Updating Python Dictionaries: A Step-by-Step Guide

Shantun Parmar
3 min readJul 23, 2024


Hello coders! We are traveling into the fascinating realm of Python dictionaries today. Picture a super-cool toolkit with section labels. Every compartment has a unique tool — such a value — which the label names like a key. Python dictionaries operate exactly this way!

Like your preferred video game or program, however, occasionally your dictionaries need an update to maintain seamless operation. That’s where the incredible update()approach finds application. Though at first frightening, words like “update dictionary Python” or “dict update Python” shouldn’t cause you any concerns! Like learning to ride a bike, this article will dissect things into quite basic steps.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dictionaries: Dictionaries are like a massive treasure trove with labeled sections. Every compartment houses a particular item — like a value — and the label identifies that item — like a key. Python dictionaries work like this.
  • Updating dictionaries: Update dictionaries with the update() method, much like you could add fresh toys to your treasure trove. It allows you to change already existing key-value pairs or add fresh ones.
  • update() Method: Our secret weapon for rebuilding dictionaries is update() method. It combines the original dictionary with another dictionary or like data structure as its argument.

Understanding Dictionaries: Your Toolbox of Information

Consider a toolkit loaded with all your favorite tools for various tasks. You have sections named “screwdriver,” “hammer,” or “wrench.” Inside every compartment you retain the real tool.

Python dictionaries similarly, although they store data rather than real objects. Every compartment features a label known as a key that indicates the type of data held within. The value is the information itself, actual.

Consider, for instance, building a dictionary to hold information on your favorite superhero. Your code may look like this:

superhero_info = {
"name": "Iron Man",
"power": "Super Suit",
"real_name": "Tony Stark"

Key terms in this dictionary are “name,” “power,” and “real_name.” They show the type of data stored. Like “Iron Man,” “Super Suit,” and “Tony Stark,” the real element displays values.

The Power of update(): Adding and Changing Information

You have thus created your fantastic dictionary, but what if you wish to add new information or edit something? The update() function helps here. It’s similar to have a magic tool for organizing your toolkit.

Here’s how it works:

superhero_info.update({"enemy": "Ultron"})

This code makes advantage of the superhero_info dictionary’s update() function. Arguing a new dictionary, we pass one with just one key-value pair: “enemy” with the value “Ultron”. This adds a new compartment — key — to our toolkit and keeps the value (“Ultron”) within.

But update() will do more than only include new idea! Assume for the moment that Iron Man’s true name is Howard Stark rather than Tony. Here is how to change the current information:

superhero_info.update({"real_name": "Howard Stark"})

This code changes the current “real_name” key to have “ Howard Stark”. It’s like rearranging your toolkit and putting the updated information in the correct section.

Exploring the update() Method's Superpowers

The update() method is quite flexible. Here are some cool things you can do with it:

  • Merging Toolboxes: Imagine you have two dictionaries storing information on your preferred superhero and sidekick. Merging Toolboxes Update() lets you aggregate them into one large dictionary!
sidekick_info = {"name": "War Machine", "weapon": "Heavy Cannons"}

This code combines the dictionary of sidekick_infowith the superhero_info dictionary. Right now, superhero_infostores both types of data.

The value changes if you use the same key in the update dictionary that already exists in the original dictionary. Consider it like replacing a new tool for an old one from the toolbox.

superhero_info.update({"power": "Arc Reactor"})

This code updates the "power" key.



Shantun Parmar

Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | Python | JavaScript | Problem Solver https://bit.ly/3V9HoR9